How Business Owners Can Use the S.A.V.E Model to Drive Sales
The traditional 4 P’s of marketing - Product, Place, Price and
Promotion has been modified to the S.A.V.E model – Solution, Access, Value, and
Education. How can small businesses use this new framework to reach more
customers and make more money? By understanding and using this model, small
businesses and entrepreneurs can design and define their unique selling point.
Sell a Solution:
As business owners, sometimes we tend
to focus on the features and functions of our products or services. We tend to concern
ourselves with the fact that our products use the latest technology or even the
best form of advertising. The truth of the matter is that customers will rarely
buy a product because of special features or technological advancement. The
client is driven by two things need and solution. In designing our products or
a service, one key question to keep in mind is – Why do customers need your
product? What solution does this product help the customers to solve? It is
easier to sell based on needs and solution as opposed to unique features or
improved technology.
So let your products be driven by the needs of
the customers and solving a problem the customer has. When you think about
this, brands that have remained relevant over the years understand this approach.
For example, Coca-Cola sells refreshment and feelings as a solution. The
solution you sell might be as simple as convenience. So come up with one word
that describes the solution you sell.
Sell Access:
Customers want to know that they can
easily access your business or service. They are not necessarily concerned
about the location of your business as long as you provide an easy access
–access could be in the form of fast delivery, instant replies either through
social media channels or via email. Customers want to feel the support of your
business. They want to see how you interact and engage with your existing
customers to understand if they would be ready to take the plunge.
The fact is, the location of your
business is irrelevant these days; the focus now is how available is your
business the moment the customer needs your product or service? As small
business owners what you need to do is leverage social media platforms – You
need to understand who your ideal customers are and what social media platforms
you will find them. For instance, if your target is university and college
students, the most popular platform to interact with them is Twitter, Snap Chat
or Instagram.
Sell value:
Research has shown that customers are
often willing to pay more for better products or services. Customers sometimes
do not care about price. While pricing is a key determinant to whether they
will buy or not, pricing comes after they understand the value of the product
or service. Businesses should clearly communicate the benefits and value of
your products or services to their customers. What value will customers get
from using your products or service?
Educate instead of Promoting:
One of the fastest ways to build a
client base is by providing educating information. As business owners, you have
the opportunity to provide your existing and potential customers with
up-to-date information that can help them improve their lives or business.
Educating and sharing relevant information with your customers can help you build
trust and loyalty even before the customer buys your product or service.
This approach gives the customer a
sense of belonging or familiarity with your brand. When customers feel like a
part of your business, they are more willing to refer you to friends and family
even though they may not presently need your product or service. Some ways you
can educate your customers is by sending them newsletters, eBooks, educative
blog posts, interactive websites, etc. Although your aim is to sell, customers
should not feel like you share this information only to make a sale.
As a business owner, using this
S.A.V.E model will allow you to focus on selling solutions to your customers.
It will also help in new product development as your products will be
customer-driven to provide solutions, access, value, and education.
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